July 17th


I think there is something wrong with me. Yesterday we were driving home from the store and we passed by an accident. A girl had run into the road. She was struck and dragged a ways before the SUV finally stopped.

Preacher stopped to help because the ambulance hadn’t made it there yet.

I could see her lying on the road. Dead. It’s nothing like you see on TV. I can’t explain it, but I couldn’t look away. I should have felt sad or something but I didn’t. I felt hollow, just like her.

Seeing her body like that, one minute she was alive and a person, the next a lump of empty flesh on the road, it made me think about how fragile we are. If it were me lying on that road, no one would care.

Tomorrow I see Helen, the hypnotist. What if she doesn’t like what she sees and I end up like that girl on the road? Would you care?
