I've been a huge slacker with this blog. Though I'm still figuring out how best to post my work online and what I should and shouldn't be sharing.
Wattpad.com is an awesome site that allows you to post your work and be read and read other peoples work. I have posted some of my work there. You can find the first three chapters of The Fall. They are really early versions of them that have since been edited but not reposted. So forgive me for their roughness. I wrote it about 2 years ago as sort of therapy, thinking I'd never do anything with it except get that world outta my head.
I've also posted the first chapter of something I work on here and there when the Shadow fills my head. It's another one that I'm currently only writing for myself, sort of as a guilty pleasure since I'm completely in love with some of the Shadow with all his flaws and beauty. So if you're interested check out Feeders here: http://www.wattpad.com/1757071-feeders
or The Fall here: http://www.wattpad.com/427832-the-fall or my profile here: http://www.wattpad.com/user/Snimples
My work on Wattpad
Author: AnAlaskanGirl Posted under: